MOROCCO MEMORIES | travel journal

Into the Medina - Marrakech, Morocco memories

Earlier this year, I had the privilege of traveling to Morocco for the very first time. And though it was my first visit to Africa, it certainly won’t be my last. My time in Morocco was nothing short of transformative. There is something truly magical about this country—the people, the light, the history, the energy. Until you’ve experienced it yourself, it’s hard to put into words just how remarkable Morocco is. I feel as though I’ve only scratched the surface of what this beautiful place has to offer. But as I share some of my Morocco memories in this travel journal, I hope to give you a sense of the magic that captivated me while I was there.


Morocco has been calling to me for years. Ever since my late friend, the incredible Beth Kirby, began sharing her experiences there on her blog and Instagram. The way she captured the essence of the country drew me in completely. From that point on, I knew Morocco was a place I needed to experience for myself. And in a strange yet meaningful way, I feel like I’m keeping my connection to my late friend and inspiration alive by experiencing Morocco in her memory.


Morocco is a land of vibrant contrasts, where the ancient and modern coexist in harmony. From the bustling souks of Marrakech to the tranquil dunes of the Sahara, this North African gem offers a sensory feast like no other. The aroma of spices fills the air, the architecture dazzles with intricate designs, and the landscapes range from rugged mountains to coastal shores. Rich in history, culture, and hospitality, Morocco is a place where every corner tells a story.

local man drink Moroccan mint tea | Medina, Marrakech

Morocco’s history is like a rich tapestry, woven with various influences. From the ancient Berber kingdoms to the rise of Islamic dynasties, Morocco has long been a crossroads of cultures and civilizations. The country’s strategic location at the tip of North Africa made it a hub for trade and conquest. Leaving behind a legacy of magnificent architecture, vibrant traditions, and a unique blend of African, Arab, and European influences. This dynamic history continues to shape Morocco’s identity today, making it a compelling & fascinating country. I feel honored to have been able to experience this sacred place and I look forward to making many more memories in Morocco.


My maiden journey to Morocco was to join a retreat called The Space Between. Dreamt up and hosted by my dear friend, Emma Louise Sophia. (I’ll be sharing more about The Space Between retreat in an upcoming post.) For now, I can say that I couldn’t have asked for a better introduction to Morocco than the one Emma created through her thoughtfully curated retreat.

I had the honor of spending my first few days in Morocco at Emma’s beautiful riad Dar Kechyoto. Her wonderful housekeeper, Malika, welcomed me with open arms and took amazing care of me. From her freshly brewed Moroccan mint tea to her delightful vegetarian tagine. With her sweet demeanor and warm spirit, Malika embodied the genuine hospitality of the Moroccan people. Making her my first impression of this incredible country. My days spent with her are some of my most lasting memories of Morocco.

Moroccan mint tea
courtyard of Dar Keychyoto | Marrakech, Morocco


My trip to Morocco took place in January, which turned out to be a lovely time to experience the country. The days were warm enough for short sleeves and sunbathing on the rooftop, while the evenings brought a cozy chill—just right for lounging by the fire. I was so enchanted by the winter weather and the peaceful vibe of Morocco during this time. I sincerely hope to make many more winter memories there. The peak tourism months in Morocco are from April through October. But from conversations with Emma, other locals, and my own experience, I highly recommend traveling to Morocco in the shoulder months. November and March being the best.

Morocco memories | Marrakech, Morocco


Wandering through the bustling alleys of the ancient walled medina of Marrakech immerses you in a vibrant mosaic of history and culture. Nestled in the heart of the medina, you will find the souk. A vibrant market that has been a hub of trade for centuries. With its origins tracing back to the Berber tribes who once exchanged goods in the shadow of the Atlas Mountains. Today, the souk is a sensory wonderland where the scent of spices mingles with the vivid colors of fresh produce, handcrafted rugs, lanterns, ceramics and more. Every twist and turn reveals a new treasure. While the echo of haggling voices and the rhythmic hum of daily life create a hypnotic charm that captures the essence of Morocco. Some of my most vivid and meaningful memories of Morocco were made through my exploration of the ancient Medina.

Moroccan olives - exploring the Medina | Marrakech, Morocco memories
street food | Moroccan memories
vibrant produce stands - exploring the Medina | Marrakech, Morocco memories


Just an hour’s drive from the center of Marrakech, you’ll find yourself in the vast, wondrous Agafay Desert. As part of The Space Between retreat, we spent our final days at the stunning Scarabeo Camp. The white tents, set against the lunar-like desert landscape, evoke the spirit of expeditions from a simpler time. While at the camp, I was fully immersed in the desert’s serenity and magic. From soft winter sunrises and glowing sunsets over the Atlas Mountains. To evenings by the bonfire under the stars. The desert’s alchemy invited me to quiet down and reflect on my life in a truly transformative way. One that, I believe, can only be experienced in the solitude of the desert.

Scarebo Camp | Agafay Desert, Morocco memories
Scarebo Camp | Agafay Desert, Morocco memories
camel ride | Agafay Desert, Morocco memories

MOROCCO MEMORIES: stays, eats, and highlights from my trip



fresh Moroccan orange juice | Marrakech, Morocco memories



In closing, I hope that you feel some of the magic of Morocco through the memories I shared in this travel journal entry. As always, feel free to ask me any questions that you may have in the comments. Genuinely looking forward to sharing more travel content here on ful-filled :)

citrus stand - exploring the Medina | Marrakech, Morocco memories
{ 3 comments… add one }
  • Michelle September 18, 2024, 15:01

    So gorgeous Bella, I love the life and color you bring to every fascinating story you tell! May Beth’s memory be eternal, she is a talent long missed.

    I hope you continue your journeys and keep writing to us about food and life! So much we are missing.

    Much love

  • Dale Gray September 19, 2024, 10:20

    Wow, makes me want to visit TODAY. I love your work so much. Thank you for taking the time to share with the world!

  • Lori September 20, 2024, 03:49

    What a beautiful travel diary Bella sharing the beauty of Moroccan culture and hospitality. I could almost smell the mint & spices from your descriptions. Loook forward to hearing more about your travels and experiences.

    What a beautiful way to honor your friend Beth’s legacy.

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